Hedsrom Family tree

Hedstrom family Tree

Welcome to Hedstrom genealogy in Kiribati.

What you get here are informations only for Bill Hedstrom and his families in Kiribati. These informations have been compiled by Teiti Imanuel who is also a member of the Hedstrom family and the author of this blog. I want to give thanks to Mokirete Ioera, Maii Tune and Levita Levi for their enormous contribution that makes this page possible. As Bill Hedstrom down lines we are very happy to be connected with our relatives far and wide to hear news of how they are doing. If you are related to the Hedstrom we are more than happy to have you in our family. We are hoping of getting support from anyone outside Kiribati, in our search for the history of our ancestor Bill Hedstrom. Do come by to our page on Facebook titled "Hedstrom family Kiribati" and submit facts concerning Bill Hedstrom if by chance you have some to share. We also have a "Hedstrom Chat" on messenger in case you want to  introduce yourself to the family. Anyone in the family on Hedstrom Chat can invite you in. It would be an honour to have such informations from anyone. If you have photos that would be excellent. We are happy that you have reached out to our blog and hope you get what you seek here. Have a good reading.

So what is so important in this family? You see all families are important and to neglect your family is to neglect yourself as well. Whoever our families are, we are them. I love my families so much that I want to show it to the world. This is to show how lucky we are to be part of Kiribati and Hedstrom family.  

Bill Hedstrom. 

Bill Hedstrom came to Kiribati, we are not sure about the exact year but he did came to Kiribati and stayed on the Island of Nikunau. He got a soul mate there called Abunaba they got children. I am also one of the living proof of Bill Hedstrom's seed.

Bill Hedstrom met Abunaba. Abunaba was from the Island of Nikunau. They build their family have two daughters. The name of their daughters were Tina and Aaran.  Tina met Namoriki from the Island of  Abemama, they got children. The sister named Aaran met Taniera and had children. You may click on the red word links to learn more. As for me, the author of this blog, how I came to be in the Hedstrom family is like this: 

From Bill Hedstrom and Abunaba, Tina was born.

From Tina Hedstrom and Namoriki, Abunaba was born.

From Abunaba and Ioera, Ebeneta was born(my mother). And Ebeneta with Tamton the husband, I Teiti Imanuel came to be in this Hedstrom family. I have a brother and sisters but you can see that under Tina's family tree. 

Michael The Mighty
By Saint Teiti Imanuel